Entity: Geochemie (Kategorie)

URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/geoera/keyword/426

Type: Concept

This Search Category comprises keywords related to uses of tools and principles of chemistry to study the composition and dynamics of the chemical elements in the earth. The following disciplines are considered: geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry, lithogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, etc.

description This Search Category comprises keywords related to uses of tools and principles of chemistry to study the composition and dynamics of the chemical elements in the earth. The following disciplines are considered: geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry, lithogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, etc.
label Geochemistry (category)
narrower 563 | 527 | 423 | 401 | 417 | 542 | 522 | 516 | 534 | 506
notation 665
pref label Geochemie (Kategorie) | Geochemistry (category) | geochemie (categorie) | Geoquímica (categoria) | Geokémia | geochemie (kategorie) | geokemia | geochimica
replaces Geochemistry
top concept of keyword
type Concept
date accepted 13 mars 2020 13:38:32.134
date submitted 13 mars 2020 11:29:02.274
entity Geochemie (Kategorie)
source graph graph

description This Search Category comprises keywords related to uses of tools and principles of chemistry to study the composition and dynamics of the chemical elements in the earth. The following disciplines are considered: geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry, lithogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, etc.
item class Concept
label Geochemie (Kategorie) | Geoquímica (categoria) | geochimica | geochemie (kategorie) | geochemie (categorie) | Geochemistry (category) | Geokémia | geokemia
modified 7 juil. 2021 22:13:16.242
notation 426
register keyword
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 8

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About the Item

accepted on 13 mars 2020 13:38:32.134
submitted on 13 mars 2020 11:29:02.274
submitted by Abdel FELIACHI