Entity: Toba de ceniza, lapillistone y toba de lapilli - showing version 6

broader 2365
category Lithology
close match ash tuff lapillistone and lapilli tuff | ash tuff lapillistone and lapilli tuff
label ash tuff, lapillistone, and lapilli tuff
notation 224
pref label Toba de ceniza, lapillistone y toba de lapilli | pelitni tuf, zlepljeni lapil in lapilni tuf | ash tuff, lapillistone, and lapilli tuff | tufo de cinzas, lapilli consolidado e tufo lapilli | popelový tuf, lapilli, a lapilový tuf | Aschetuff, Lapillistein und Lapillituff | tuhkatuffi, lapillikivi ja lapillituffi
replaces ash tuff lapillistone and lapilli tuff
type Concept
date accepted 13 mars 2020 13:38:34.506
date submitted 13 mars 2020 11:29:00.718
entity Toba de ceniza, lapillistone y toba de lapilli
source graph graph

item class Concept
label tuhkatuffi, lapillikivi ja lapillituffi | pelitni tuf, zlepljeni lapil in lapilni tuf | ash tuff, lapillistone, and lapilli tuff | tufo de cinzas, lapilli consolidado e tufo lapilli | popelový tuf, lapilli, a lapilový tuf | Toba de ceniza, lapillistone y toba de lapilli | Aschetuff, Lapillistein und Lapillituff
modified 7 juil. 2021 21:46:06.560
notation 2368
register keyword
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 6

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About the Item

accepted on 13 mars 2020 13:38:34.506
submitted on 13 mars 2020 11:29:00.718
submitted by Abdel FELIACHI