Entity: exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole

broader 401
category Fossil Resources
close match exploration exploitation raw material
label exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole
narrower 1347 | 1345 | 1346
notation 1621
pref label exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole | Pozo de exploración y explotación de materia prima. | vrt pro průzkum a těžbu nerostných surovin | Rohstoff Erkundungs- und Gewinnungsbohrung | ásványi nyersanyag fúrásos kutatása és kitermelése | esplorazione e sfruttamento di materie prime | raaka-aineen etsinnän ja hyödyntämisen kairareikä | vrtina za raziskovanje in pridobivanje surovine | sondagem de prospeção e exploração de matérias-primas
related 536
replaces exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole
type Concept
date accepted 13 mars 2020 13:38:33.420
date submitted 13 mars 2020 11:29:00.275
entity exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole
source graph graph

item class Concept
label esplorazione e sfruttamento di materie prime | vrtina za raziskovanje in pridobivanje surovine | raaka-aineen etsinnän ja hyödyntämisen kairareikä | Pozo de exploración y explotación de materia prima. | sondagem de prospeção e exploração de matérias-primas | exploration and exploitation of raw material borehole | ásványi nyersanyag fúrásos kutatása és kitermelése | Rohstoff Erkundungs- und Gewinnungsbohrung | vrt pro průzkum a těžbu nerostných surovin
modified 7 juil. 2021 21:31:36.214
notation 1343
register keyword
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 6

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About the Item

accepted on 13 mars 2020 13:38:33.420
submitted on 13 mars 2020 11:29:00.275
submitted by Abdel FELIACHI