
Register: Amount Estimation Method

URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/AmountEstimationMethod

This register contains the CGI Amount Estimation Method vocabulary.

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is a Register | Container | concept scheme
category 3
owned by 2
submitted byAbdel FELIACHI
accepted on 1 Mar 2019 13:53:40.600

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category 3
description This register contains the CGI Amount Estimation Method vocabulary.
has top concept estimation based on field work | estimation based on existing data | estimation based on office study
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
identifier AmountEstimationMethod
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Amount Estimation Method
modified 1 Mar 2019 13:53:07.643
notation AmountEstimationMethod
owner 2
type Register | Container | concept scheme
version info 1
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Contents (tree view)

estimation based on existing data Amount of waste estimation based on existing data such as ma... experimental
estimation based on field work Amount of waste estimation based on field work. experimental
estimation based on office study Amount of waste estimation based on office study using remote... experimental