- https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl
- _AmountEstimationMethod
Register: Amount Estimation Method
URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/AmountEstimationMethod
This register contains the CGI Amount Estimation Method vocabulary.
Core metadata
is a | Register | Container | concept scheme |
category | 3 |
owned by | 2 |
submitted by | Abdel FELIACHI |
accepted on | 1 Mar 2019 13:53:40.600 |
Download formats available
RDF ttl | plain | with metadata |
RDF/XML | plain | with metadata |
JSON-LD | plain | with metadata |
CSV | plain | with metadata |
ROR | plain | |
Export all | export |
All properties of the register
category |
description |
This register contains the CGI Amount Estimation Method vocabulary.
has top concept |
estimation based on field work
| estimation based on existing data
| estimation based on office study
hierarchy child property |
hierarchy root property |
top concept of
identifier |
inverse membership predicate |
in scheme
is member of relation |
in scheme
label |
Amount Estimation Method
modified |
1 Mar 2019 13:53:07.643
notation |
owner |
type |
| Container
| concept scheme
version info |
Select tab to expand
Contents (list view)
Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
estimation based on existing data | estimationBasedOnExistingData | Amount of waste estimation based on existing data such as ma... | Concept | experimental |
estimation based on field work | estimationBasedOnFieldWork | Amount of waste estimation based on field work. | Concept | experimental |
estimation based on office study | estimationBasedOnOfficeStudy | Amount of waste estimation based on office study using remote... | Concept | experimental |
field measurement | fieldMeasurement | Estimate from direct measurements of the area of landfill and... | Concept | experimental |
geophysics | geophysics | Seismic, GPR | Concept | experimental |
high density drilling or trenching | highDensityDrillingOrTrenching | Sampling by drilling or trenching with a sample density suffi... | Concept | experimental |
literature data | literatureData | Data from the literature without any information of methods. | Concept | experimental |
location of mine | locationofmine | The mere presence of a mine or mineral processing plant means... | Concept | experimental |
low density drilling or trenching | lowDensityDrillingOrTrenching | Sampling by drilling or trenching with a sample density not s... | Concept | experimental |
ore production statistics | oreProductionStatistics | Amount of mining waste estimated from data on the amount of o... | Concept | experimental |
production statistics | productionStatistics | Amount of mining waste calculated from statistics on produced... | Concept | experimental |
remote sensing | remotesensing | Calculations from digital aerial photos, satellite images or ... | Concept | experimental |