Entity: env-ui

URI: http://environment.data.gov.uk/registry/structure/ui/

Type: Ontology

env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry

description env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry
label env-ui
preferred namespace prefix env-ui
preferred namespace uri http://environment.data.gov.uk/registry/structure/ui/
type Ontology
date submitted 22 nov. 2018 15:14:04.729 | 23 janv. 2019 11:19:32.510
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph

description env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry
item class Ontology
label env-ui
notation env-ui
register prefixes
status status experimental
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap

type register item
version info 1

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ttl | rdf/xml| json-ld
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ttl | rdf/xml | json-ld
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About the Item

submitted on 22 nov. 2018 15:14:04.729 | 23 janv. 2019 11:19:32.510
submitted by bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap