
Entry: Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation

URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/project/31

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is a Project | Concept
changed on 3 Mar 2021 10:15:32.707
submitted byAbdel FELIACHI
accepted on 26 Oct 2020 14:42:09.004

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date accepted 26 Oct 2020 14:42:09.004
date submitted 26 Oct 2020 14:41:53.770
entity Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation
source graph graph

item class Project | Concept
label Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation
modified 3 Mar 2021 10:15:32.707
notation 31
register project
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 3
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in scheme Projects
is funded by FP7
label Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation
notation EO-Miners
pref label Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation
primary topic Earth observation
same as http://www.eurogeosurveys.org/projects/eominers/ | reporting
top concept of Projects
type Project | Concept
years 2010-2013


In concept scheme

Top concept of