Entity: Champ géographique

broader 1727
close match spatial scope
definition The spatial scope can be different from the actual geographical coverage, e.g. a national coastline data set may cover only a fraction of the full spatial extent of a country.\n The spatial scope of the data set does not necessarily reflect the administrative level responsible for collecting and maintaining the data, e.g. the responsibility for maintaining the data inside the national address data set can be at regional or local level.\n The code list contains values governed at the level of INSPIRE legal acts (governance level: Legal (EU)) and values governed at the level of INSPIRE Technical Guidelines (governance level: Technical (EU)). The former directly support the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting Decision, while the latter provide additional options for tagging other data sets.
label spatial scope
narrower 2557 | 2560 | 2558 | 2559 | 2556
pref label spatial scope | Ambito di applicazione territoriale | âmbito geográfico | Champ géographique | Geografisk utsträckning | Ruumiline ulatus | Területi hatály | flächig / räumliche Betrachtung | Χωρικό πεδίο εφαρμογής | Domeniul de aplicare spațial | Erdvinė taikymo sritis | Priestorový rozsah | Geografisk aktivitetsområde | alueellinen vaikutusala | prostorový rozsah | Prostorski obseg | Zakres przestrzenny | Prostorni opseg | Ruimtelijke dekking
replaces spatial scope
type Concept
date accepted 13 mars 2020 13:38:34.518
date submitted 13 mars 2020 11:28:59.644
entity Champ géographique
source graph graph

item class Concept
label Champ géographique | Területi hatály | Ruumiline ulatus | Ambito di applicazione territoriale | Zakres przestrzenny | Domeniul de aplicare spațial | Erdvinė taikymo sritis | flächig / räumliche Betrachtung | spatial scope | alueellinen vaikutusala | Geografisk utsträckning | prostorový rozsah | Prostorni opseg | Geografisk aktivitetsområde | Χωρικό πεδίο εφαρμογής | Prostorski obseg | Priestorový rozsah | âmbito geográfico | Ruimtelijke dekking
modified 7 juil. 2021 21:21:48.592
notation 2390
register keyword
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 6

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About the Item

accepted on 13 mars 2020 13:38:34.518
submitted on 13 mars 2020 11:28:59.644
submitted by Abdel FELIACHI