Entity: protection de l'eau de mer

broader 1637
category Subsurface Management
close match 7538
label sea water protection
notation 1964
pref label proteção da água do mar | tengervíz védelem | ochrana morských vôd | sea water protection | havsvattenskydd | protección del agua marina | jūros vandens apsauga | προστασία των θαλάσσιων υδάτων | bescherming van zeewater | protection de l'eau de mer | ochrana mořské vody | meriveden suojelu | mereveekaitse | verndun saltvatns | ochrona wód morskich | protejarea apei de mare | vern av sjøvann | protezione delle acque marine | beskyttelse af havvand | varstvo morske vode | zaštita morske vode | захист морської води | Meeresgewässerschutz
replaces sea water protection
type Concept
date accepted 13 mars 2020 13:38:33.737
date submitted 13 mars 2020 11:28:58.510
entity protection de l'eau de mer
source graph graph

item class Concept
label sea water protection | ochrana morských vôd | Meeresgewässerschutz | ochrana mořské vody | meriveden suojelu | захист морської води | beskyttelse af havvand | protección del agua marina | proteção da água do mar | jūros vandens apsauga | bescherming van zeewater | havsvattenskydd | protezione delle acque marine | mereveekaitse | tengervíz védelem | varstvo morske vode | verndun saltvatns | vern av sjøvann | protejarea apei de mare | προστασία των θαλάσσιων υδάτων | protection de l'eau de mer | ochrona wód morskich | zaštita morske vode
modified 9 juil. 2021 12:03:47.353
notation 1641
register keyword
status status experimental
account name a.feliachi@ext.brgm.fr
name Abdel FELIACHI

type register item
version info 8

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About the Item

accepted on 13 mars 2020 13:38:33.737
submitted on 13 mars 2020 11:28:58.510
submitted by Abdel FELIACHI