- https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl
- _WasteType
Register: Waste Type
URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/WasteType
This register contains the CGI Waste Type vocabulary.
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is a | concept scheme | Container | Register |
category | 3 |
owned by | 2 |
submitted by | Abdel FELIACHI |
accepted on | 1 Mar 2019 15:49:23.024 |
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This register contains the CGI Waste Type vocabulary.
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wastes thermal processes
| exploration mining quarrying physical chemical treatment of minerals
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Waste Type
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1 Mar 2019 15:49:07.336
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Contents (list view)
Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
aluminium thermal metallurgy | aluminiumThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from aluminium thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy anode scraps | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyAnodeScraps | Anode scraps. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy carbon containing wastes | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyCarbonContainingWastes | Carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than th... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment no oil | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy flamable emit skimmings | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyFlamableEmitSkimmings | Skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy flue gas dust hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDustHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy flue gas dust no hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDustNoHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakesHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing hazard... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes no hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakesNoHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment not containing ha... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastesHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment containing hazardous substanc... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes no hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastesNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment not containing hazardous subs... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy not specified | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy particulates dust hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustHazardousSubstances | Other particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) contai... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy particulates dust other | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustOther | Other particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) other ... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy primary slag | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyPrimarySlag | Primary production slags. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy salt slag black drosses hazardous treatment | aluminiumThermalMetallurgySaltSlagBlackDrossesHazardousTreatment | Wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses contain... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy salt slag black drosses no hazardous substances | aluminiumThermalMetallurgySaltSlagBlackDrossesNoHazardousSubstances | Wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses not con... | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy secondary black drosses | aluminiumThermalMetallurgySecondaryBlackDrosses | Black drosses from secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy secondary salt slag | aluminiumThermalMetallurgySecondarySaltSlag | Salt slags from secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy skimmings other | aluminiumThermalMetallurgySkimmingsOther | Skimmings other than those mentioned in 02.02.06.. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy tar containing wastes | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyTarContainingWastes | Tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture. | Concept | experimental |
aluminium thermal metallurgy waste alumina | aluminiumThermalMetallurgyWasteAlumina | Waste alumina. | Concept | experimental |
barite drilling muds and wastes (non-hazardous) | bariteDrillingMudsAndWastesNonHazardous | Barite-containing drilling muds and wastes (non-hazardous). | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces | castingOfFerrousPieces | Wastes from casting of ferrous pieces. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces binders hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesBindersHazardousSubstances | Waste binders containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces binders no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesBindersNoHazardousSubstances | Waste binders not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces casting cores moulds hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring con... | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces casting cores moulds no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsNoHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring not... | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces casting cores moulds pouring hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsPouringHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring contain... | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces casting cores moulds pouring no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsPouringNoHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring not con... | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces crack indicating agent hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCrackIndicatingAgentHazardousSubstances | Waste crack-indicating agent containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces crack indicating agent no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesCrackIndicatingAgentNoHazardousSubstances | Waste crack-indicating agent not containing hazardous substan... | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces flue gas dust hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesFlueGasDustHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces flue gas dust other no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesFlueGasDustNoHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces furnace slag | castingOfFerrousPiecesFurnaceSlag | Furnace slag. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces not specified | castingOfFerrousPiecesNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces particulates hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesParticulatesHazardousSubstances | Other particulates containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of ferrous pieces particulates no hazardous substances | castingOfFerrousPiecesParticulatesNoHazardousSubstances | Other particulates not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces | castingOfNonFerrousPieces | Wastes from casting of non-ferrous pieces. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces binders hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesBindersHazardousSubstances | Waste binders containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces binders no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesBindersNoHazardousSubstances | Waste binders not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces casting cores moulds hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring, co... | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces casting cores moulds no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsNoHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring, no... | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces casting cores moulds pouring hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsPouringHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring, contai... | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces casting cores moulds pouring no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCastingCoresMouldsPouringNoHazardousSubstances | Casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring, not co... | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces crack indicating agent hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCrackIndicatingAgentHazardousSubstances | Waste crack-indicating agent containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces crack indicating agent no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesCrackIndicatingAgentNoHazardousSubstances | Waste crack-indicating agent not containing hazardous substan... | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces flue gas dust hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesFlueGasDustHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces flue gas dust no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesFlueGasDustNoHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces furnace slag | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesFurnaceSlag | Furnace slag. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces not specified | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces particulates hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesParticulatesHazardousSubstances | Other particulates containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
casting of non-ferrous pieces particulates no hazardous substances | castingOfNonFerrousPiecesParticulatesNoHazardousSubstances | Other particulates not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
chloride drilling muds and wastes (non-hazardous) | chlorideDrillingMudsAndWastesNonHazardous | Chloride-containing drilling muds and wastes other (non-hazar... | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy | copperThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from copper thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment no oil | copperThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | copperThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy flue gas dust | copperThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDust | Flue-gas dust. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes | copperThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes | copperThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastes | Solid wastes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy not specified | copperThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy particulates dust other | copperThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustOther | Other particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy primary secondary dross skimming | copperThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondaryDrossSkimming | Dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
copper thermal metallurgy primary secondary slag | copperThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondarySlag | Slags from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
crematoria | crematoria | Waste from crematoria. | Concept | experimental |
crematoria gas cleaning containing mercury | crematoriaGasCleaningContainingMercury | Waste from gas cleaning containing mercury. | Concept | experimental |
dressing metalliferous minerals not specified | dressingMetalliferousMineralsNotSpecified | Wastes from the dressing of metalliferous minerals not otherw... | Concept | experimental |
drilling mud wastes hazardous substances | drillingMudWastesHazardousSubstances | Drilling muds and other drilling wastes containing hazardous ... | Concept | experimental |
drilling muds and wastes | drillingMudsAndWastes | drilling muds and other drilling wastes | Concept | experimental |
drilling muds and wastes hazardous | drillingMudsAndWastesHazardous | Hazardous drilling muds and othet drilling wastes | Concept | experimental |
drilling muds and wastes non-hazardous | drillingMudsAndWastesNonHazardous | Non-hazardous drilling muds and othet drilling wastes | Concept | experimental |
drilling muds and wastes not specified | drillingMudsAndWastesNotSpecified | Drilling muds and other drilling wastes not otherwise specifi... | Concept | experimental |
exploration mining quarrying physical chemical treatment of minerals | explorationMiningQuarryingPhysicalChemicalTreatmentOfMinerals | Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, quarrying, and phy... | Concept | experimental |
fresh water drilling muds and wastes (non-hazardous) | freshWaterDrillingMudsAndWastesNonHazardous | Freshwater drilling muds and wastes (non-hazardous). | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry | ironAndSteelIndustry | Wastes from the iron and steel industry. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry cooling water treatment no oil | ironAndSteelIndustryCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry cooling water treatment oil | ironAndSteelIndustryCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry gas treatment hazardous substances | ironAndSteelIndustryGasTreatmentHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment containing hazardous substanc... | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry gas treatment no hazardous substances | ironAndSteelIndustryGasTreatmentNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment not containing hazardous subs... | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry gas treatment sludges filter cakes hazardous substances | ironAndSteelIndustryGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakesHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing hazard... | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry gas treatment sludges filter cakes no hazardous substances | ironAndSteelIndustryGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakesNoHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment not containing ha... | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry mill scales | ironAndSteelIndustryMillScales | Mill scales. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry processing slag | ironAndSteelIndustryProcessingSlag | Wastes from the processing of slag. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry sludges filter cakes other | ironAndSteelIndustrySludgesFilterCakesOther | Other sludges and filter cakes. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry unprocessed slag | ironAndSteelIndustryUnprocessedSlag | Unprocessed slag. | Concept | experimental |
iron and steel industry wastes not specified | ironAndSteelIndustryWastesNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy | leadThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from lead thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy calcium arsenate | leadThermalMetallurgyCalciumArsenate | Calcium arsenate. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment no oil | leadThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | leadThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy flue gas dust | leadThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDust | Flue-gas dust. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes | leadThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes | leadThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastes | Solid wastes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy not specified | leadThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy particulates dust other | leadThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustOther | Other particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy primary secondary dross skimming | leadThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondaryDrossSkimming | Dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
lead thermal metallurgy primary secondary slag | leadThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondarySlag | Slags from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster | manufactureCementLimeAndPlaster | Wastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and artic... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster asbestos cement manufacture asbestos | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterAsbestosCementManufactureAsbestos | Wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture containing asbestos. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster asbestos cement manufacture other | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterAsbestosCementManufactureOther | Wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture other than those ment... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster before thermal procsessing | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterBeforeThermalProcsessing | Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster calcination hydration of lime | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterCalcinationHydrationOfLime | Wastes from calcination and hydration of lime. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster cement composite other | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterCementCompositeOther | Wastes from cement-based composite materials other than those... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster concrete sludge | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterConcreteSludge | Waste concrete and concrete sludge. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster gas treatment hazardous substances | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterGasTreatmentHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment containing hazardous substanc... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster gas treatment no hazardous substances | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterGasTreatmentNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment not containing hazardous subs... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster gas treatment sludges filter cakes | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster not specified | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture cement lime and plaster particulates dust | manufactureCementLimeAndPlasterParticulatesDust | Particulates and dust (except 02.12.08.. and 02.12.09..) | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProducts | Wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and c... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products after thermal procsessing | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsAfterThermalProcsessing | Waste ceramics, bricks, tiles and construction products (afte... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products before thermal procsessing | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsBeforeThermalProcsessing | Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products dicarded moulds | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsDicardedMoulds | Discarded moulds. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products effluent sludge | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsEffluentSludge | Sludge from on-site effluent treatment. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products gas treatment hazardous substances | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsGasTreatmentHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment containing hazardous substanc... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products gas treatment no hazardous substances | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsGasTreatmentNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from gas treatment not containing hazardous subs... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products gas treatment sludges filter cakes | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products glazing heavy metal | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsGlazingHeavyMetal | Wastes from glazing containing heavy metals. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products glazing no heavy metals | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsGlazingNoHeavyMetals | Wastes from glazing not containing heavy metals. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products not specified | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture ceramic goods bricks tiles construction products particulates dust | manufactureCeramicGoodsBricksTilesConstructionProductsParticulatesDust | Particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products | manufactureGlassAndGlassProducts | Wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products effluent hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsEffluentHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment containing hazar... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products effluent no hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsEffluentNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment not containing h... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products flue gas hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsFlueGasHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from flue-gas treatment containing hazardous sub... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products flue gas no hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsFlueGasNoHazardousSubstances | Solid wastes from flue-gas treatment not containing hazardous... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products flue gass sludges filter cakes hazardous substance | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsFlueGassSludgesFilterCakesHazardousSubstance | Sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment containing h... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products glass based fibrous materials | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsGlassBasedFibrousMaterials | Waste glass-based fibrous materials. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products mixture before thermal processing hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsMixtureBeforeThermalProcessingHazardousSubstances | Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing, containi... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products mixture before thermal procsessing no hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsMixtureBeforeThermalProcsessingNoHazardousSubstances | Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing, not cont... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products not specified | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products particles glass powder heavy metal | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsParticlesGlassPowderHeavyMetal | Waste glass in small particles and glass powder containing he... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products particles glass powder other | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsParticlesGlassPowderOther | Waste glass other than those mentioned in 02.10.05.. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products particulates dust | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsParticulatesDust | Particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products polishing sludge harzardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsPolishingSludgeHarzardousSubstances | Glass-polishing and -grinding sludge containing hazardous sub... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products polishing sludge no hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsPolishingSludgeNoHazardousSubstances | Glass-polishing and -grinding sludge not containing hazardous... | Concept | experimental |
manufacture glass and glass products sludges filter cakes no hazardous substances | manufactureGlassAndGlassProductsSludgesFilterCakesNoHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment not containi... | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing metalliferous leach residues | mineraDressingMetalliferousLeachResidues | Leach residues. | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing | mineralDressing | Wastes resulting from mineral processing - wastes from minera... | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing cobbing | mineralDressingCobbing | Cobbing waste resulting from the separation, generally with a... | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing magnetic separation tailings | mineralDressingMagneticSeparationTailings | Magnetic separation tailings. | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing metalliferous | mineralDressingMetalliferous | Wastes resulting from the treatment of run of mine material w... | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing metalliferous flotation tailings | mineralDressingMetalliferousFlotationTailings | Flotation tailings. | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing metalliferous wash tailings | mineralDressingMetalliferousWashTailings | Wash tailings. | Concept | experimental |
mineral dressing non-metaliferous | mineralDressingNonMetaliferous | Wastes from the dressing of non-metalliferous minerals. | Concept | experimental |
mineral excavation | mineralExcavation | Wastes from mineral excavation. | Concept | experimental |
mineral metalliferous excavation | mineralMetalliferousExcavation | Wastes from mineral metalliferous excavation. | Concept | experimental |
mineral non-metalliferous excavation | mineralNonMetalliferousExcavation | Wastes from mineral non-metalliferous excavation. | Concept | experimental |
oil drilling muds and wastes | oilDrillingMudsAndWastes | Oil-containing drilling muds and wastes. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy anode scraps | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyAnodeScraps | Anode scrap. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy carbon containing wastes | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyCarbonContainingWastes | Carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than th... | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment other | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOther | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy dross skimmings other | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyDrossSkimmingsOther | Dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 02.07.04.. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy flamable emit dross skimmings hazardous quantities | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyFlamableEmitDrossSkimmingsHazardousQuantities | Dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact ... | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy flue gas dust hazardous substances | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDustHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy flue gas dust no hazardous substances | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDustNoHazardousSubstances | Flue-gas dust other not containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy flue gas sludges filter cakes hazardous substances | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyFlueGasSludgesFilterCakesHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment containing h... | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy not specified | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy particulates dust | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDust | Particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy primary secondary salt slag | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondarySaltSlag | Salt slag from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy slags other | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgySlagsOther | Other slags. | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy sludges filter cakes no hazardous substances | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgySludgesFilterCakesNoHazardousSubstances | Sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment not containi... | Concept | experimental |
other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy tar containing wastes | otherNonFerrousThermalMetallurgyTarContainingWastes | Tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture. | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMinerals | Wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals acid generated tailings | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsAcidGeneratedTailings | Acid-generating tailings from processing of sulphide ore (haz... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals dusty and powdery waste | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsDustyAndPowderyWaste | Dusty and powdery wastes - Flue dust electrochemical processe... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals hazardous substances tailings | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesTailings | Other tailings containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals hazardous waste | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsHazardousWaste | Wastes containing hazardous substances from physical and chem... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals hazardous waste other | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsHazardousWasteOther | Other wastes containing hazardous substances from physical an... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals non-hazardous waste | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousWaste | Non-hazardous wastes from physical and chemical processing of... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals not specified | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsNotSpecified | Wastes from further physical and chemical processing of metal... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process metalliferous minerals tailings | physicalChemicalProcessMetalliferousMineralsTailings | Tailings - Smelter waste - (Smelting) Slag - Secondary refini... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical process non-metalliferous minerals not specified | physicalChemicalProcessNonMetalliferousMineralsNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified (no harzardous substances). | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMinerals | Wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metallife... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstances | Wastes containing hazardous substances from physical and chem... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances dust powdery | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesDustPowdery | Dusty and powdery wastes containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances gravel crushed rocks | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesGravelCrushedRocks | Waste gravel and crushed rocks containing hazardous substance... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances potash rock salt | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesPotashRocksalt | Wastes from potash and rock salt processing containing hazard... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances sand clay | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesSandClay | Waste sand and clays containing hazardous substances. | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances stone cutting sawing | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesStonecuttingSawing | Wastes from stone cutting and sawing containing hazardous sub... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals hazardous substances washing cleaning | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsHazardousSubstancesWashingCleaning | Tailings and other wastes from washing and cleaning of minera... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous dust powdery | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousDustPowdery | Dusty and powdery wastes (no harzardous substances). | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous gravel crushed rocks | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousGravelCrushedRocks | Waste gravel and crushed rocks (no harzardous substances). | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous potash rock salt | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousPotashRocksalt | Wastes from potash and rock salt processing (no harzardous su... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous sand clay | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousSandClay | Waste sand and clays (no harzardous substances). | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous stone cutting sawing | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousStonecuttingSawing | Wastes from stone cutting and sawing (no harzardous substance... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous substances | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousSubstances | wastes not containing hazardous substances from physical and ... | Concept | experimental |
physical chemical processing non-metalliferous minerals non-hazardous washing cleaning | physicalChemicalProcessingNonMetalliferousMineralsNonHazardousWashingCleaning | Tailings and other wastes from washing and cleaning of minera... | Concept | experimental |
red mud alumina production | redMudAluminaProduction | Red mud from alumina production. | Concept | experimental |
red mud alumina production hazardous substances | redMudAluminaProductionHazardousSubstances | Red mud from alumina production containing hazardous substanc... | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from silver, gold and platinum thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment no oil | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastes | Solid wastes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy not specified | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy particulates dust other | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustOther | Other particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy primary secondary dross skimming | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondaryDrossSkimming | Dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
silver gold platinum thermal metallurgy primary secondary slag | silverGoldPlatinumThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondarySlag | Slags from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |
Sludge muds chemical liquid products. | sludgeMudsChemicalLiquidProducts | Sludges/muds/chemical liquid products than specified 01 03 01... | Concept | experimental |
wastes thermal processes | wastesThermalProcesses | Wastes from thermal processes. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy | zincThermalMetallurgy | Wastes from zinc thermal metallurgy. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment no oil | zincThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentNoOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment not containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy cooling water treatment oil | zincThermalMetallurgyCoolingWaterTreatmentOil | Wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy dross skimmings other | zincThermalMetallurgyDrossSkimmingsOther | Dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 02.04.08.. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy flamable emit dross skimmings hazardous quantities | zincThermalMetallurgyFlamableEmitDrossSkimmingsHazardousQuantities | Dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact ... | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy flue gas dust | zincThermalMetallurgyFlueGasDust | Flue-gas dust. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy gas treatment sludges filter cakes | zincThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSludgesFilterCakes | Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy gas treatment solid wastes | zincThermalMetallurgyGasTreatmentSolidWastes | Solid waste from gas treatment. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy not specified | zincThermalMetallurgyNotSpecified | Wastes not otherwise specified. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy particulates dust other | zincThermalMetallurgyParticulatesDustOther | Other particulates and dust. | Concept | experimental |
zinc thermal metallurgy primary secondary slag | zincThermalMetallurgyPrimarySecondarySlag | Slags from primary and secondary production. | Concept | experimental |