
Register: ISO 11074


ISO:11074 is an International Standard that defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: — general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites); — description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in soil, contamination, pollution, background content); — sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling, quality control samples, sample pretreatment); — terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure, soil protection); — remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-based treatment methods); — soil ecotoxicology.

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changed on 15 Aug 2024 18:59:13.041
submitted byCorentin Follenfant
accepted on 15 Aug 2024 19:01:07.133

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en ISO:11074 is an International Standard that defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: — general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites); — description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in soil, contamination, pollution, background content); — sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling, quality control samples, sample pretreatment); — terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure, soil protection); — remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-based treatment methods); — soil ecotoxicology.
de Diese Internationale Norm ISO11074 definiert eine Auflistung von Begriffen, die bei der Erarbeitung von Normen im Bereich der Bodenbeschaffenheit verwendet werden. Die Begriffe sind folgenden Gebieten zugeordnet: — allgemeine Begriffe (Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit Böden, Bodenmaterialien, Flächen und Standorten); — Beschreibung von Böden (Bodenmerkmale, Bodenwasser, Eigenschaften von Böden und Stoffen in Böden, Prozesse in Böden, Bodenkontamination, Verunreinigung, Hintergrundgehalt); — Probenahme von Böden (allgemeine Begriffe, Probeart/Probenahmeart, Probenahmestufen, Durchführung der Probenahme, Qualitätskontrollproben, Probenvorbehandlung); — Begriffe zur Bodenbewertung (Qualität, Boden- und Standortbeurteilung unter Berücksichtigung der Risiken, Gefährdung und Exposition, Bodenschutz); — Sanierung (allgemeine Begriffe, hauptsächliche Sanierungsarten, ingenieurtechnisch-orientierte Verfahren, prozessorientierte Behandlungsverfahren); — Bodenökotoxikologie.
fr ISO:11074 est une Norme internationale qui définit une liste de termes utilisés lors de l’élaboration des normes dans le domaine de la qualité du sol. Ces termes sont classés selon les rubriques principales suivantes: — termes et définitions généraux (termes relatifs au sol, aux matériaux du sol, aux terrains et aux sites); — description du sol (caractéristiques du sol, eau du sol, propriétés du sol et des constituants, processus d'évolution du sol, contamination, pollution, teneur de fond); — échantillonnage (termes généraux, types d'échantillon/type d'échantillonnage, phases d'échantillonnage, exécution de l'échantillonnage, échantillons de contrôle qualité, prétraitement des échantillons); — termes et définitions relatifs à l'évaluation des sols (qualité, évaluation du sol et des sites eu égard au risque, à la dangerosité et à l'exposition, protection du sol); — remédiation (termes généraux, principaux types de remédiation, méthodes de génie civil, méthodes de traitement technolo...
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label ISO 11074
modified 15 Aug 2024 18:59:13.041
notation ISO11074
owner 4
type Register | concept scheme | Container
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
General terms and definitions 2. Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to soil 2.1 Concept stable
aerobic 2.1.1 descriptive of a condition with molecular oxygen available Concept stable
perched groundwater 2.1.10 groundwater above a non-saturated zone Concept stable
soil 2.1.11 upper layer of the Earth’s crust transformed by weathering an... Concept stable
soil characterization 2.1.12 determination of relevant physical, chemical, and biological ... Concept stable
soil gas 2.1.13 gas and vapour in the pore spaces of soils Concept stable
soil pores 2.1.14 part of the soil volume, between the solid particles of the s... Concept stable
soil quality 2.1.15 all current positive or negative properties with regards to s... Concept stable
soil reaction 2.1.16 characterizing property of the acid base state of soils, whic... Concept stable
soil structure 2.1.17 arrangement of particles and organic matter to form aggregate... Concept stable
soil texture 2.1.18 relative proportions of the various particle size fractions (... Concept stable
standard soil 2.1.19 field-collected soil or manufactured soil whose main properti... Concept stable
anaerobic 2.1.2 descriptive of a condition with no molecular oxygen available Concept stable
subsoil 2.1.20 natural soil material below the topsoil and overlying the par... Concept stable
topsoil 2.1.21 upper part of a natural soil that is generally dark coloured ... Concept stable
total organic carbon 2.1.22 all carbon present in organic matter Concept stable
wilting point 2.1.23 water content of the soil below which the plants are not able... Concept stable
available water capacity 2.1.3 soil water content usable by plants based on the effective ro... Concept stable
dissolved organic carbon 2.1.4 concentration of organic carbon remaining in solution after f... Concept stable
field capacity 2.1.5 maximum water content expressed in percent (w/w or v/v) that ... Concept stable
humus 2.1.6 total of all dead plant and animal substances and their organ... Concept stable
organic carbon 2.1.7 summarizing parameter including all of the carbon forms for d... Concept stable
organic matter 2.1.8 matter consisting of plant and/or animal organic materials, a... Concept stable
parent material 2.1.9 unweathered inorganic solid or unconsolidated rock from which... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to soil materials 2.2 Concept stable
anthropogenic ground 2.2.1 deposits which have accumulated through human activity. Note:... Concept stable
made ground 2.2.10 anthropogenic ground (2.2.1) comprising material placed witho... Concept stable
reclamation 2.2.11 return of damaged, degraded, or derelict land to a beneficial... Concept stable
reuse of soil material 2.2.12 useful and harmless utilization of soil materials. Note: Reus... Concept stable
sediment 2.2.13 solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspensi... Concept stable
stockpile 2.2.14 temporary deposit of soil material. Note: Stockpiles can cont... Concept stable
subhydric soils 2.2.15 soils formed below water or which are formed on parent materi... Concept stable
treated soil 2.2.16 soil subject to a based ex situ or in situ process Concept stable
shallow soil 2.2.17 soil in which plants can achieve a rooting depth of less than... Concept stable
damaged land 2.2.2 land which, due to natural processes or human activity, is no... Concept stable
deep soils 2.2.3 soils in which plants can achieve a rooting depth of 50 cm or... Concept stable
dredged material 2.2.4 material excavated during e.g. maintenance, construction, rec... Concept stable
earthwork 2.2.5 reuse of soil material for civil engineering and construction... Concept stable
excavated soil 2.2.6 soil material extracted from the ground. Ex: Topsoil, subsoil... Concept stable
fill material 2.2.7 mixed natural soil materials (often displaced) and can contai... Concept stable
harm 2.2.8 measurable adverse effect on a receptor Concept stable
fill 2.2.9 anthropogenic ground (2.2.1) in which the material has been s... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to land and sites 2.3 Concept stable
abandoned hazardous site 2.3.1 hazardous site left by the owner or other responsible party i... Concept stable
orphan site 2.3.10 site for which no owner or other responsible party for pollut... Concept stable
site 2.3.11 defined area Concept stable
site characterization 2.3.12 collection of data connected to a site providing appropriate ... Concept stable
suspect site 2.3.13 site whose history or any other information leads to a suspic... Concept stable
target site 2.3.14 site at which soil is to be reused Concept stable
uniformly contaminated site 2.3.15 site with a generally uniform concentration of a hazardous su... Concept stable
abandoned industrial site 2.3.2 industrial site left by the owner or other responsible party ... Concept stable
abandoned potentially hazardous site 2.3.3 abandoned site whose history leads to a suspicion that it can... Concept stable
abandoned waste disposal site 2.3.4 waste disposal site left by the owner or other responsible pa... Concept stable
contaminated site 2.3.5 site where contamination (2.3.6) is present. Note: There is n... Concept stable
contamination 2.3.6 substance(s) or agent(s) present in the soil as a result of h... Concept stable
derelict site 2.3.7 site so damaged by human activity as to be incapable of benef... Concept stable
donor site 2.3.8 site from which soil material is removed for use on a target ... Concept stable
hazardous site 2.3.9 site which, by reason of the substances or agents present, is... Concept stable
Description of soil 3. Concept stable
Soil characteristics 3.1 Concept stable
bulk density 3.1.1 ratio of the mass of a quantity of material (or one phase) an... Concept stable
water content 3.1.10 volume of water evaporating from the soil when dried to cons... Concept stable
water content on a dry mass basis 3.1.11 mass of water evaporating from the soil when dried to a const... Concept stable
bulk volume 3.1.2 volume, including the solids and pores, of an arbitrary soil ... Concept stable
clay content 3.1.3 proportion of soil particles with a particle size <2 µm Concept stable
concentration 3.1.4 mass of test substance per unit mass of material. Note: Conce... Concept stable
maximum particle size 3.1.5 particle size such as 5 % of the mass of the material corresp... Concept stable
particle size distribution 3.1.6 distribution of the soil mineral particles according to prede... Concept stable
porosity 3.1.7 volume of pores in a soil sample (non-solid volume) divided b... Concept stable
specific surface area 3.1.8 the surface area of the soil or a size fraction of the soil p... Concept stable
water content 3.1.9 mass of water evaporating from the soil when dried to a cons... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to soil water 3.2 Concept stable
bedrock 3.2.1 in situ naturally consolidated rock either underlying drift ... Concept stable
capillary water 3.2.2 water held on soil particles due to unbalanced inter-molecula... Concept stable
groundwater 3.2.3 water which is being held in and can be recovered from an und... Concept stable
groundwater surface 3.2.4 upper boundary surface of the groundwater Concept stable
percolating water 3.2.5 infiltrating water that moves downward in the pore space due ... Concept stable
saturated zone 3.2.6 zone of the ground in which the pore space is filled complete... Concept stable
soil water 3.2.7 all water of the unsaturated and saturated zone Concept stable
unsaturated zone 3.2.8 zone of the soil in which the pore space is not filled comple... Concept stable
vadose zone 3.2.9 zone of the soil which is connected to the atmosphere and whi... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to processes in soils 3.3 Concept stable
abiotic decomposition 3.3.1 decomposition by physical and/or chemical processes (e.g. pho... Concept stable
filter characteristics 3.3.10 ability of a soil to retain or bind solid, dissolved, or gase... Concept stable
habitat function 3.3.11 ability of soil/soil materials to serve as a habitat for micr... Concept stable
Henry's coefficient 3.3.12 partition coefficient between soil air and soil water Concept stable
humification 3.3.13 decomposition of organic material followed by a synthesis of ... Concept stable
immobilization 3.3.14 conversion of substances or soil particles into a (temporaril... Concept stable
leaching 3.3.15 dissolution and movement of dissolved substances by water Concept stable
leaching potential 3.3.16 potential for substances present in the soil/soil material to... Concept stable
lessivage 3.3.17 translocation of solid particles within the soil profile. Not... Concept stable
limiting factor 3.3.18 any condition that limits soil functions and/or the utilizati... Concept stable
mineralization 3.3.19 final stage of the biodegradation of organic matter or organi... Concept stable
abiotic degradation 3.3.2 degradation by physical and/or chemical processes Concept stable
mobilization 3.3.20 conversion of substances or soil particles into a mobile form Concept stable
non-point source input 3.3.21 any source other than a point source . Note: See diffuse sour... Concept stable
partition coefficient 3.3.22 ratio between the concentrations of a substance in two differ... Concept stable
partition coefficient between soil and plant 3.3.23 ratio between the concentration of a substance in the soil an... Concept stable
partition coefficient between soil organic matter and soil water 3.3.24 ratio of the concentration of a substance in the soil organic... Concept stable
persistence 3.3.25 resistance of a substance to chemical changes. Note: Persiste... Concept stable
phytoavailability 3.3.26 availability of a chemical species present in the soil for pl... Concept stable
point source input 3.3.27 input of a substance from a stationary discrete source of def... Concept stable
primary degradation 3.3.28 degradation or alteration of the molecular structure of a sub... Concept stable
receptor 3.3.29 defined entity that is vulnerable to the adverse effect(s) of... Concept stable
accumulation 3.3.3 increase of the concentration of a substance in soil due to t... Concept stable
retention function 3.3.30 ability of soils/soil materials to absorb pollutants in such ... Concept stable
soil functions 3.3.31 description of the significance of soils to man and the envir... Concept stable
soil processes 3.3.32 physical or reactive geochemical and biological processes, wh... Concept stable
soil-water partition coefficient 3.3.33 ratio of the concentration of a substance in the soil solid p... Concept stable
sorption 3.3.34 reversible binding of a substance by soil constituents. Note:... Concept stable
source 3.3.35 place from which a substance or agent is released giving rise... Concept stable
substance input 3.3.36 movement of a substance from another environmental compartmen... Concept stable
substance output 3.3.37 movement of a substance from the soil into another environmen... Concept stable
translocation 3.3.38 movement of substances within or on the surface of the soil c... Concept stable
ultimate biodegradation 3.3.39 biodegradation leading to complete mineralization Concept stable
aggressive soil conditions 3.3.4 soil conditions potentially damaging to buildings and constru... Concept stable
bioconcentration factor 3.3.5 ratio of the concentration of a substance in an organism to t... Concept stable
biodegradation 3.3.6 physical and chemical breakdown of a substance by living orga... Concept stable
decomposition 3.3.7 breakdown of complex organic substances into simpler molecule... Concept stable
degradation 3.3.8 physical and chemical breakdown of the substances Concept stable
diffuse source input 3.3.9 input of a substance emitted from moving sources, from source... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to contamination 3.4 Concept stable
aliphatic hydrocarbon 3.4.1 acyclic or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated carbon compound, ... Concept stable
gas chromatography 3.4.10 analytical method that is used to separate and determine the ... Concept stable
hydrocarbon 3.4.11 compound of hydrogen and carbon which are the principal const... Concept stable
indicator compound 3.4.12 compound chosen to describe properties, primarily toxicity, o... Concept stable
limit test 3.4.13 test used in determination of acute toxicity to Eisenia fetid... Concept stable
NSO compounds 3.4.14 organic compounds that contain nitrogen, sulphur, and oxygen.... Concept stable
partitioning 3.4.15 extent to which a compound of a hydrocarbon mixture separates... Concept stable
petroleum hydrocarbon 3.4.16 organic compound comprised of carbon and hydrogen atoms arran... Concept stable
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 3.4.17 compound whose molecules contain two or more simple aromatic ... Concept stable
pollutant 3.4.18 substance or agent present in the soil (or groundwater) which... Concept stable
potentially harmful substance 3.4.19 substance which by its chemical form, concentration or presen... Concept stable
aromatic hydrocarbon 3.4.2 hydrocarbon of which the molecular structure incorporates one... Concept stable
pseudo-total concentration 3.4.20 amount of an element determined using a strong acid or combi... Concept stable
residual contamination 3.4.21 amount or concentration of contaminants remaining in a specif... Concept stable
surrogate compound 3.4.22 representative compound with toxicological and/or physical pr... Concept stable
total concentration 3.4.23 total of an element present in all chemical forms and irresp... Concept stable
total concentration 3.4.24 concentration derived by applying an analytical technique th... Concept stable
total petroleum hydrocarbons 3.4.25 method-defined parameter, depending on the analytical method ... Concept stable
boiling point 3.4.3 point at which the vapour pressure of a liquid equals the ext... Concept stable
carcinogen 3.4.4 substance that causes the development of malignant cells in a... Concept stable
compliance point 3.4.5 location (for example, soil or groundwater) where the assessm... Concept stable
contaminant 3.4.6 substance or agent present in the soil as a result of human a... Concept stable
dense non-aqueous phase liquid 3.4.7 NAPL (3.6.11) denser than water. Note: For LNAPL, see 3.6.8..... Concept stable
extractable fraction 3.4.8 amount of an element determined with a complexing agent, salt... Concept stable
fraction 3.4.9 group of aromatic and/or aliphatic hydrocarbons with similar ... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to background content 3.5 Concept stable
background concentration 3.5.1 concentration of a substance characteristic of a soil type in... Concept stable
soil salinization 3.5.10 accumulation of water soluble salts in soil Concept stable
statistical characteristic 3.5.11 numerical value calculated from a variate of a chosen paramet... Concept stable
trace element 3.5.12 element present in low concentration in soil material in resp... Concept stable
usual background value 3.5.13 statistical characteristic of the usual content of a substanc... Concept stable
usual content 3.5.14 concentration of a substance in soils resulting from both the... Concept stable
background value 3.5.2 statistical characteristics of the total (natural pedo-geoche... Concept stable
critical concentration 3.5.3 quantitative estimate of a concentration of one or more pollu... Concept stable
critical load 3.5.4 quantitative estimate of the input of one or more pollutants ... Concept stable
essential trace element 3.5.5 element essential in low concentrations for plant or animal (... Concept stable
hazardous substances 3.5.6 substances which, because of their properties, quantities or ... Concept stable
natural background concentration 3.5.7 concentration of a substance that is derived solely from natu... Concept stable
natural background value 3.5.8 statistical characteristics of the natural pedo-geochemical c... Concept stable
pedo-geochemical background value 3.5.9 statistical characteristics of the pedo-geochemical content. ... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to sampling gases 3.6 Concept stable
active soil-gas sampling 3.6.1 sampling by extracting a certain volume of soil gas Concept stable
monitoring installation 3.6.10 permanent or temporary device used for soil gas sampling. Ex:... Concept stable
non-aqueous phase liquid 3.6.11 liquid organic substance which is relatively insoluble in wat... Concept stable
soil gas monitoring installation 3.6.12 borehole finished with suitable material for stabilization of... Concept stable
passive soil-gas sampling 3.6.13 sampling based on the adsorption of gases of the ground on an... Concept stable
soil gas monitoring device 3.6.14 borehole finished with suitable material for stabilisation of... Concept stable
two-stage-soil-gas sampling 3.6.15 sampling done firstly through installation of a borehole with... Concept stable
soil gas sample volume 3.6.17 volume of soil gas taken to form the sample Concept stable
sub-slab sampling location 3.6.19 soil gas sampling location just below the foundation slab of ... Concept stable
dead volume 3.6.2 volume which is present between the suction opening of the so... Concept stable
subsoil 3.6.20 layer of soil beneath the surface soil and overlying the bed... Concept stable
upper explosive limit 3.6.22 uppermost volume fraction of a mixture of flammable gas with ... Concept stable
direct method 3.6.3 method of analysis where the soil-gas sample (aliquot) is dir... Concept stable
direct-reading detecting tube 3.6.4 glass tube filled with reagents which, after drawing through ... Concept stable
gas migration 3.6.5 movement of gas from the source through the ground to the adj... Concept stable
gas monitoring well 3.6.6 standpipe suitably installed inside a borehole from which gas... Concept stable
gas sampling 3.6.7 collection of a volume of soil gas contained in the pore spac... Concept stable
light non-aqueous phase liquid 3.6.8 NAPL (3.6.11) less dense than water. Note: For DNAPL, see 3.4... Concept stable
lower explosive limit 3.6.9 lowest volume fraction of a mixture of flammable gas with air... Concept stable
Sampling 4. Concept stable
General terms and definitions 4.1 Concept stable
actual increment size 4.1.1 amount of material that is present in an increment Concept stable
minimum increment size 4.1.10 minimum mass or volume of material in an increment obtained d... Concept stable
minimum sample size 4.1.11 minimum mass or volume of material in a sample for which the ... Concept stable
population 4.1.12 totality of items under consideration. Note: In the case of a... Concept stable
population 4.1.13 entirety of a soil volume or mass about which information is... Concept stable
project manager 4.1.14 individual responsible for the development of both the sampli... Concept stable
representative sample 4.1.15 sample in which the characteristic(s) of interest is (are) pr... Concept stable
safety 4.1.16 freedom from unacceptable risk of harm. Note: In standardizat... Concept stable
sample 4.1.17 portion of soil material selected from a larger quantity of m... Concept stable
sampler 4.1.18 person or a group of persons carrying out the sampling proced... Concept stable
sample volume 4.1.19 volume of sample which is taken from soil Concept stable
actual sample size 4.1.2 amount of material that is present in the sample Concept stable
sampling 4.1.20 process of drawing or constituting a sample. Note: For the pu... Concept stable
sampling design 4.1.21 decisions as to types of samples to be obtained, sampling loc... Concept stable
sampling error 4.1.22 part of the total error (the estimate from a sample minus the... Concept stable
sampling objective 4.1.23 technical description of the purpose of sampling Concept stable
sampling plan 4.1.24 predetermined procedure for implementation of the sampling st... Concept stable
sampling procedure 4.1.25 operational requirements and/or instructions as to how sampli... Concept stable
sampling programme 4.1.26 total sampling operation, from the first step in which the pu... Concept stable
sampling strategy 4.1.27 arrangement by which a sampling programme is to be conducted.... Concept stable
sampling uncertainty 4.1.28 part of the total measurement uncertainty attributable to sam... Concept stable
secondary objective(s) 4.1.29 detailed definition of technical activities required to achie... Concept stable
analytical sample 4.1.3 portion of material, resulting from the original sample or co... Concept stable
segment 4.1.30 each of the single, large portions of material pre-existing ... Concept stable
slot sample 4.1.31 sample taken as a vertical slot from within a stratum or othe... Concept stable
specimen 4.1.32 specifically selected unit/portion of a material taken from a... Concept stable
sub-population 4.1.33 defined part of a population Concept stable
subsample 4.1.34 sample obtained by procedures in which the items of interest ... Concept stable
subsample 4.1.35 selected part of a sample. Note: The subsample can be selecte... Concept stable
unit 4.1.36 each of the discrete, identifiable portions of material suita... Concept stable
bulk sample 4.1.4 sample resulting from the planned aggregation or the combinat... Concept stable
characteristic 4.1.5 property or attribute of a material that is measured, compare... Concept stable
heterogeneous 4.1.6 having properties which vary from point to point when viewed ... Concept stable
homogeneous 4.1.7 having the same properties at all points when viewed at a sca... Concept stable
increment 4.1.8 material forming part of a composite sample obtained by a sin... Concept stable
measurement uncertainty 4.1.9 estimate attached to a test result which characterizes the ra... Concept stable
Sample types/sampling type 4.2 Concept stable
above‑ground sampling 4.2.1 process of taking samples from material that has been deposit... Concept stable
probabilistic sampling 4.2.10 sampling to ensure that each particle or element in the popul... Concept stable
replicate sample 4.2.11 one of the two or more samples or sub samples obtained separa... Concept stable
sample related to mass 4.2.12 sample whose analytical results are expressed for evaluation ... Concept stable
sample related to unit area 4.2.13 sample whose analytical results are expressed for evaluation ... Concept stable
sampling network 4.2.14 system of predetermined sampling points Concept stable
principal sampling situation 4.2.15 one of four sampling situations characterised by a combinatio... Concept stable
probabilistic sampling 4.2.16 sampling to ensure that each particle or element in the popul... Concept stable
regular sampling 4.2.17 process of taking samples at the nodes of a regular pattern, ... Concept stable
simple random sample 4.2.18 sample of n items taken from a population of N items in such ... Concept stable
sample division 4.2.19 activity in sample preparation whereby a sample of bulk mate... Concept stable
in‑ground sampling 4.2.2 process of taking samples from the ground surface and/or with... Concept stable
spot sample 4.2.20 sample of specified number or size taken from a specified par... Concept stable
stratified sample 4.2.21 sample taken from a single stratum of the defined population ... Concept stable
stratified sampling 4.2.22 sampling, in a population which can be divided into mutually ... Concept stable
sampling pattern 4.2.23 set of predetermined sampling points Concept stable
selective sample 4.2.24 sample deliberately chosen or formed, based on some specific ... Concept stable
selective subsampling 4.2.25 separation of part of a sample on the basis of grading (i.e. ... Concept stable
umpire sample 4.2.26 sample taken, prepared, and stored in an agreed upon manner f... Concept stable
simple random sampling 4.2.27 sampling locations are selected arbitrarily within the area ... Concept stable
spatial composite sample 4.2.28 composite sample formed from small incremental point samples ... Concept stable
spot sample 4.2.29 sample from a discrete location. Note: Sample can be formed f... Concept stable
cluster sample 4.2.3 composite sample for which the increments are taken over a sm... Concept stable
stratified random sampling 4.2.30 process in which the area to be sampled is divided into a num... Concept stable
systematic sampling 4.2.34 process of taking samples from locations that have been pre-d... Concept stable
systematic unaligned sampling 4.2.35 process of taking samples using a sampling pattern intermedia... Concept stable
composite sample 4.2.4 sample made of a number of increments . Note: See cluster sa... Concept stable
mathematically combined sample 4.2.5 sample obtained by removing specific fractions by separation ... Concept stable
convenience sampling 4.2.6 process of taking samples based on accessibility, expediency,... Concept stable
non-systematic pattern 4.2.7 sampling pattern indicating sampling locations based on other... Concept stable
judgemental sampling 4.2.8 process of taking samples from particular zones or features o... Concept stable
kubiëna tin 4.2.9 metal box with removable top and base which can be forced int... Concept stable
Sampling stages 4.3 Concept stable
aliquot 4.3.1 known amount of a homogeneous material, assumed to be taken w... Concept stable
preliminary investigation 4.3.10 desk study and site reconnaissance Concept stable
primary sample 4.3.11 sample taken from a population during the first stage of mult... Concept stable
single sample 4.3.12 sampling unit collected by a single operation of a sampling d... Concept stable
soil sampler 4.3.13 tool to collect soil material in a quick and standardized way Concept stable
supplementary investigation 4.3.14 collection of such other information as required for the sele... Concept stable
test portion 4.3.15 quantity of material, of proper size, for measurement of the ... Concept stable
test sample 4.3.16 portion of material, resulting from the laboratory sample by ... Concept stable
test solution 4.3.17 solution prepared by dissolving (with or without reaction) th... Concept stable
composite extract 4.3.2 extract obtained by mixing two or more extracts from differen... Concept stable
composite sample 4.3.3 two or more increments/subsamples mixed together in appropria... Concept stable
concentration method 4.3.4 method in which substances to be determined are concentrated ... Concept stable
exploratory investigation 4.3.5 collection of samples for analysis to confirm the hypothesis ... Concept stable
final sample 4.3.6 sample obtained at the final step of multistage sampling (e.g... Concept stable
laboratory sample 4.3.7 sample intended for laboratory inspection or testing. Note: W... Concept stable
main investigation 4.3.8 accurate evaluation of the soil quality for contaminants and ... Concept stable
multi-stage sampling 4.3.9 sampling in which the sample is selected by stages, the sampl... Concept stable
Execution of sampling 4.4 Concept stable
analytical and testing strategy 4.4.1 plan comprising the samples to be analysed or tested, the par... Concept stable
exposure 4.4.10 naturally formed or artificially constructed locality at the ... Concept stable
fresh sample 4.4.11 sample used for analysis and testing without preliminary dryi... Concept stable
horizon related sample 4.4.12 sample collected from and representing a defined soil horizon... Concept stable
involved parties 4.4.13 individuals, groups, and/or institutions involved in the (ite... Concept stable
log 4.4.14 continuous record as a function of depth (usually graphical a... Concept stable
logging 4.4.15 act or process of making or recording a log Concept stable
mud sample 4.4.16 sample obtained from sludge loaded cuttings and/or flushings ... Concept stable
profile description 4.4.17 description of the features of a soil exposed in a pit or sec... Concept stable
quartering 4.4.18 reduction of a sample in size by formation and combination of... Concept stable
profile description 4.4.19 description of the features of a soil exposed in a pit or sec... Concept stable
boring 4.4.2 hole of any predetermined diameter and length formed in any s... Concept stable
sample preservation 4.4.20 any procedure used to stabilize a sample in such a way that t... Concept stable
sample size 4.4.21 number of items or the quantity of material constituting a sa... Concept stable
sample storage 4.4.22 process and the result of keeping a soil sample available und... Concept stable
sample transportation 4.4.23 act of transferring a sample from the locality of sampling to... Concept stable
sampling device 4.4.24 apparatus or tool used to obtain a sample from soil or soil m... Concept stable
sampling point 4.4.25 precise position within a sampling site or within each soil-c... Concept stable
sampling record 4.4.26 report which serves the sampling staff as a check list and pr... Concept stable
sampling report 4.4.27 description of the whole sampling process; it is based on sam... Concept stable
sampling site 4.4.28 general areas within a body of soil from which samples are co... Concept stable
sampling technique 4.4.29 all appropriate procedures and sampling devices to obtain and... Concept stable
channel sample 4.4.3 sample obtained by removal of material in a channel-like shap... Concept stable
trial pit 4.4.30 excavation prepared to carry out profile descriptions, sampli... Concept stable
undisturbed sample 4.4.31 sample obtained from the soil using a method designed to pres... Concept stable
undisturbed sample 4.4.33 sample obtained from the ground with soil structure unaltered... Concept stable
core 4.4.4 more or less cylindrical section of soil or rock, usually 40 ... Concept stable
core sample 4.4.5 sample obtained from a core Concept stable
cross contamination 4.4.6 undesired result due to the following: —collection of a samp... Concept stable
cutting cylinder 4.4.7 cylindrical device with removable top and base forced into th... Concept stable
disturbed sample 4.4.8 sample obtained from the soil without any attempt to preserve... Concept stable
disturbed sample 4.4.9 sample obtained from the ground without any attempt to preser... Concept stable
Quality control samples 4.5 Concept stable
certified reference material 4.5.1 reference material, one or more of whose property values are ... Concept stable
chain-of-custody procedure 4.5.2 procedure to ensure sample integrity (e.g. when transferred b... Concept stable
field blank 4.5.3 container prepared in the laboratory using reagent water or o... Concept stable
field spike 4.5.4 sample collected in the field and spiked with compounds of in... Concept stable
quality control sample 4.5.5 sample usually relating to the quality assurance of field sam... Concept stable
reference material 4.5.6 material or substance, one or more of whose property values a... Concept stable
reference site 4.5.7 area whose one or more element concentrations are well charac... Concept stable
split sample 4.5.8 sample used to challenge the analytical laboratory performanc... Concept stable
traceability 4.5.9 property of the result of a measurement whereby it can be rel... Concept stable
Sample pretreatment 4.6 Concept stable
drying 4.6.1 process of removing the soil water from a sample. Note: In so... Concept stable
milling 4.6.2 mechanical reduction of the particle size of a sample by attr... Concept stable
mixing 4.6.3 combining of components, particles, or layers into a more hom... Concept stable
particle size reduction 4.6.4 grinding, milling, or crushing the sample in order to reduce ... Concept stable
reducing 4.6.5 decreasing the size of the sample Concept stable
riffling 4.6.6 separation of a free-flowing sample into (usually) equal part... Concept stable
sample pretreatment 4.6.7 collective noun for all procedures used for conditioning a so... Concept stable
subsampling 4.6.8 process of selecting one or more subsamples from a sample of ... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to geostatistics 4.7 Concept stable
anisotropy 4.7.1 property of a soil or other volume of material to have differ... Concept stable
geostatistics 4.7.2 statistical methodology based on the use of spatial coordinat... Concept stable
kriging 4.7.3 special interpolation method applied in geostatistics for the... Concept stable
prediction 4.7.4 process of forming a statistic from observed values to predic... Concept stable
trend 4.7.5 systematic spatial variation of the local mean of a variable,... Concept stable
variogram 4.7.6 measure of spatial variation of a variable. Note: See in Anne... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to the assessment of soils 5. Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to quality 5.1 Concept stable
anthropogenic change 5.1.1 influence on soil properties caused by human activities Concept stable
soil productivity 5.1.10 ability of a soil to produce yields under current conditions Concept stable
soil specimen bank 5.1.11 systematic or permanent collection and long term storage of r... Concept stable
data quality objectives 5.1.2 statement of the required detection limits, accuracy, reprodu... Concept stable
investigation objectives 5.1.3 purposes of the soil and site investigation separated into ph... Concept stable
monitoring 5.1.4 process of repetitive observation for defined purposes of one... Concept stable
monitoring site 5.1.5 area in which investigations take place, such an area is usua... Concept stable
permanent monitoring areas 5.1.6 representative areas chosen according to specific criteria wh... Concept stable
potential soil productivity 5.1.7 ability of a soil to produce yields under optimum conditions ... Concept stable
soil damage 5.1.8 alteration of soil properties which can cause negative effect... Concept stable
soil fertility 5.1.9 current status of a soil with respect to sustainable plant gr... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard, and exposure 5.2 Concept stable
assessment criteria 5.2.1 criteria set up to help decide if a site requires further inv... Concept stable
exposed population investigation 5.2.10 characterization of the population possibly exposed to contam... Concept stable
exposure assessment 5.2.11 process of establishing whether, and how much, exposure occur... Concept stable
exposure pathway 5.2.12 path a chemical takes from a source to a receptor. Note: Each... Concept stable
general exposure pattern 5.2.13 level of exposure to different potential hazards in the relev... Concept stable
harmlessness 5.2.14 condition in which the application of a soil material does n... Concept stable
hazard 5.2.15 property of a substance or material or situation that in part... Concept stable
hypothesis of soil contamination 5.2.16 either the assumption whether or not a site is contaminated o... Concept stable
indicator substance 5.2.17 substance representing a group or a mixture of substances Concept stable
ingestion exposure 5.2.18 rate of substances reaching the body by ingestion, such as e.... Concept stable
inhalation exposure 5.2.19 rate or concentration of airborne particles and gases reachin... Concept stable
bioavailability 5.2.2 degree to which chemicals present in the soil can be absorbed... Concept stable
pathway analysis 5.2.20 determination of the relevant exposure pathways for the quant... Concept stable
pathway 5.2.21 mechanism or route by which substance or agent could come int... Concept stable
preliminary assessment 5.2.22 desktop risk assessment based on the possible contamination, ... Concept stable
quantitative risk assessment 5.2.23 risk assessment performed with the data from the site investi... Concept stable
risk 5.2.24 combination of the probability or frequency of occurrence of ... Concept stable
risk analysis 5.2.25 use of available information to identify hazard and to charac... Concept stable
risk assessment 5.2.26 process of risk analysis and evaluation of the damaging effec... Concept stable
scenario 5.2.27 description of the data and assumptions for quantitative risk... Concept stable
soil restoration 5.2.28 actions to restore soil functions for intended uses or to pro... Concept stable
study area 5.2.29 three-dimensional definition of the area where samples are to... Concept stable
classification system 5.2.3 formalized system to perform a preliminary assessment. Note: ... Concept stable
uncertainty analysis 5.2.30 qualitative or quantitative statement on the uncertainty of t... Concept stable
contaminant release assessment 5.2.4 assessment of the possibility and rate of contaminant release... Concept stable
decontamination 5.2.5 removal or partial removal of hazardous substances from the s... Concept stable
dermal exposure 5.2.6 rate or concentration of substances capable of penetrating th... Concept stable
dose 5.2.7 amount of a substance reaching a receptor. Note: For a human ... Concept stable
dose-response relationship 5.2.8 defines the effect a given dose (or equivalent quantity for n... Concept stable
environmental fate analysis 5.2.9 analysis of the fate of the contaminant once it is released i... Concept stable
Terms and definitions relating to soil protection 5.3 Concept stable
guideline value 5.3.1 value recommended without legal obligation Concept stable
locally contaminated site 5.3.2 site with discrete areas of high concentrations of substances... Concept stable
sensitive site 5.3.3 site whose soil properties or functions are readily or excess... Concept stable
soil protection 5.3.4 measures for long-term maintenance or restoration of soils an... Concept stable
Remediation 6. Concept stable
General terms and definitions 6.1 Concept stable
active protective measure 6.1.1 process designed, for example, to control groundwater or gas ... Concept stable
landfill gas 6.1.10 mixture of permanent gases (main components), dominated by me... Concept stable
natural attenuation 6.1.11 all those natural processes, including chemical, physical, an... Concept stable
passive protective measure 6.1.12 protective measure that provides protection solely through it... Concept stable
protective measure 6.1.13 measure designed to protect a specified target against an ide... Concept stable
public health protection plan 6.1.14 plan providing an assessment of the public health risks assoc... Concept stable
remedial design 6.1.15 see remediation strategy (6.1.20) Concept stable
remedial investigation 6.1.16 investigation to collect all information necessary to design ... Concept stable
remediation 6.1.17 process of dealing with contaminated soil, groundwater, or si... Concept stable
remediation monitoring plan 6.1.18 programme of inspection and/or testing for the regular assess... Concept stable
remediation objective 6.1.19 generic term for any objective, including those related to te... Concept stable
aftercare management 6.1.2 measures applied on completion of remedial works or as an int... Concept stable
remediation strategy 6.1.20 combination of remediation methods and associated works that ... Concept stable
remediation target value 6.1.21 indication of the performance to be achieved by remediation, ... Concept stable
remediation technology 6.1.22 technology that pre-processes, processes or post-processes th... Concept stable
validation plan 6.1.23 programme of inspection and/or testing for the purposes of as... Concept stable
volatile organic compound 6.1.24 compound which is liquid at room temperature (20 °C) and whic... Concept stable
volatile organic compound 6.1.25 organic compound that is volatile under normal environmental/... Concept stable
community relations 6.1.3 processes involved in informing and consulting the local comm... Concept stable
community relations plan 6.1.4 formal statement of measures to be taken to inform and consul... Concept stable
compliance or performance control 6.1.5 investigation or programme of on-going inspection, testing, o... Concept stable
effectiveness 6.1.6 measure of the ability of a remediation method to achieve re... Concept stable
environmental protection plan 6.1.7 plan providing an assessment of the environmental risks assoc... Concept stable
immediate measure 6.1.8 measure required to counteract immediate threats to human hea... Concept stable
landfill 6.1.9 deposition of waste into or onto the land. Note: It can event... Concept stable
Principal remediation types 6.2 Concept stable
engineering-based methods 6.2.1 civil engineering techniques (e.g. excavation, containment, h... Concept stable
ex situ treatment method 6.2.2 treatment method applied to medium to be treated (e.g. soil, ... Concept stable
in situ treatment method 6.2.3 treatment method applied to medium to be treated (e.g. soil, ... Concept stable
off-site treatment 6.2.4 treatment applied away from the site to be remediated Concept stable
on-site treatment 6.2.5 treatment applied on the site being remediated Concept stable
preventive measure 6.2.6 measure to avoid hazard. Ex: By removing (receptors) targets ... Concept stable
Engineering-based methods 6.3 Concept stable
bottom barrier system 6.3.1 in-ground (largely) horizontal barrier used to isolate/contai... Concept stable
geomembrane 6.3.10 plastic sheeting used in civil engineering and related activi... Concept stable
geoproducts 6.3.11 collective term for geosynthetics and for similar products ma... Concept stable
geosynthetics 6.3.12 collective terms for geotextiles, geomembranes, etc. made fro... Concept stable
geotextile 6.3.13 woven, non-woven, or knitted permeable textiles used in civil... Concept stable
groundwater extraction 6.3.14 removal of groundwater from the ground using pumps Concept stable
hydraulic measures 6.3.15 application of ground-waters infiltration and extraction meth... Concept stable
injected barrier 6.3.16 barrier formed by injecting material under pressure into grou... Concept stable
pump and treat system 6.3.17 system in which water is extracted for treatment above ground Concept stable
reactive barrier 6.3.18 permeable in-ground wall which absorbs, reacts with, or degra... Concept stable
surface liner system 6.3.19 cover to hazardous site composed primarily of a geomembrane. ... Concept stable
break layer 6.3.2 stratum of high permeability granular material within a cover... Concept stable
vertical barrier 6.3.20 in-ground vertical structure designed to contain contaminatio... Concept stable
containment 6.3.3 control of migration of gaseous, liquid, or solid contaminate... Concept stable
cover system 6.3.4 one or more layers of materials, such as soils, suitable mine... Concept stable
displacement barrier 6.3.5 in-ground barrier installed without excavation. Ex: Sheet ste... Concept stable
excavated barrier 6.3.6 barrier formed in an excavation. Ex: Slurry wall. Concept stable
excavation 6.3.7 removal of soil, fill, sediment, etc., from the ground for tr... Concept stable
geocomposite 6.3.8 collective term for products made from a combination of two o... Concept stable
geogrid 6.3.9 synthetic material in the form of a net or mesh used in civil... Concept stable
Process-based treatment methods 6.4 Concept stable
aerobic biological treatment 6.4.1 biological treatment in the presence of oxygen Concept stable
chemico-physical treatment 6.4.10 process-based treatment relying on combination of physical an... Concept stable
composting 6.4.11 biological treatment of contaminated soil usually (but not al... Concept stable
dechlorination 6.4.12 chemical process designed to remove chlorine from organic che... Concept stable
direct thermal desorption 6.4.13 heat is applied directly to medium to be treated. Ex: By open... Concept stable
electrokinetic remediation 6.4.14 application of electrokinetic processes, such as electro-osmo... Concept stable
enzyme 6.4.15 biologically produced protein catalyst that accelerates the c... Concept stable
fungal treatment 6.4.16 biological treatment based on use of fungi (e.g. dry rot fung... Concept stable
gas control system 6.4.17 system designed to control the migration and release of landf... Concept stable
gas protection measures 6.4.18 measures to protect buildings from landfill and other gases, ... Concept stable
hydrolysis 6.4.19 reaction with water involving incorporation of oxygen, hydrog... Concept stable
air-sparging 6.4.2 introduction of air under pressure into the groundwater Concept stable
incineration 6.4.20 treatment in which contaminated medium (e.g. soil) is raised ... Concept stable
indigenous 6.4.21 referring to organisms which have developed naturally in a gi... Concept stable
indirect thermal desorption 6.4.22 heat is applied indirectly, for example, by applying heat to ... Concept stable
intrinsic bioremediation 6.4.23 reduction in contaminant concentrations in soil, groundwater ... Concept stable
landfarming 6.4.24 biological treatment applied directly to in situ contaminated... Concept stable
mobile treatment system 6.4.25 readily-movable process-based treatment method. Note: A mobil... Concept stable
oxidation 6.4.26 loss of an electron by an atom or group of atoms. Ex: Change ... Concept stable
physical treatment 6.4.27 process-based treatment method based primarily on physical pr... Concept stable
phytoremediation 6.4.28 methods using the natural activities of plants to transform, ... Concept stable
post-treatment measures 6.4.29 all those activities (e.g. drying) applied to the product of ... Concept stable
anaerobic biological treatment 6.4.3 biological treatment in the absence of gaseous or soluble oxy... Concept stable
precipitation 6.4.30 chemical reaction in solution resulting in the formation of a... Concept stable
pretreatment measures 6.4.31 all those activities (e.g. drying, grinding, grading) applied... Concept stable
primary treatment 6.4.32 stage of treatment involving the removal of suspended solids... Concept stable
pyrolysis 6.4.33 chemical change caused by heat. Note: Sometimes used in a mor... Concept stable
reduction 6.4.34 addition of an electron to an atom or group including, for ex... Concept stable
secondary treatment 6.4.35 stage of treatment by biological processes such as activated... Concept stable
slurry bioreactor 6.4.36 equipment in which bio-treatment is applied to a slurry of co... Concept stable
soil flushing 6.4.37 in situ process in which contaminants are physically removed... Concept stable
soil vapour extraction 6.4.38 in-situ process involving extraction of volatile vapours fro... Concept stable
soil washing 6.4.39 water-based system designed to physically separate contaminan... Concept stable
biological treatment 6.4.4 methods using the natural activities of plants or micro-organ... Concept stable
solidification 6.4.40 addition of reagents to contaminated material to reduce its f... Concept stable
solvent extraction 6.4.41 use of non-aqueous liquids (e.g. organic solvents, super-crit... Concept stable
stabilization/solidification 6.4.42 treatment combining stabilization and solidification in a sin... Concept stable
stabilization 6.4.43 addition of chemicals to the contaminated material to produce... Concept stable
tertiary treatment 6.4.44 additional treatment processes which result in further purif... Concept stable
thermal desorption 6.4.45 thermal treatment involving volatilization of contaminants fr... Concept stable
thermal treatment 6.4.46 treatment in which heat is applied to destroy, remove, or imm... Concept stable
treatment line 6.4.47 sequence of treatment processes applied to a soil, soil-like ... Concept stable
treatment system 6.4.48 combination of treatment processes applied in sequence or par... Concept stable
vitrification 6.4.49 treatment in which temperature is sufficient to melt the bulk... Concept stable
bioreactor 6.4.5 equipment in which biotreatment is applied to a solid, liquid... Concept stable
bioremediation 6.4.6 use of biological treatment methods to decontaminate soil or ... Concept stable
(bio) treatment bed 6.4.7 above-ground bed of soil designed to enhance biodegradation p... Concept stable
bioventing 6.4.8 in situ process in which vapour extraction/air infiltration ... Concept stable
chemical treatment 6.4.9 treatment of contaminated soil, sediment, water, or other mat... Concept stable
Soil ecotoxicology 7. Concept stable
Biodegradability 7.1 Concept stable
anaerobic transformation 7.1.1 reactions occurring under exclusion of oxygen (reducing condi... Concept stable
no observed effect concentration 7.1.10 highest test substance concentration immediately below the LO... Concept stable
persistence 7.1.11 residence time of a chemical species in a specifically define... Concept stable
primary biodegradation 7.1.12 degradation of a substance to an extent sufficient to remove ... Concept stable
reference soil 7.1.13 uncontaminated site-specific soil (e.g. collected in the vici... Concept stable
saturated soil 7.1.14 part of the soil which is completely saturated by water Concept stable
test material 7.1.15 material to be tested. Ex: Soils, soil materials, compost, sl... Concept stable
test mixture 7.1.16 mixture of contaminated soil or the test substance (e.g. chem... Concept stable
test mixture ratio 7.1.17 ratio between the test soil and the control soil in a test mi... Concept stable
test substance 7.1.18 chemical substance under investigation added to the test syst... Concept stable
biodiversity 7.1.2 variability among living organisms on the earth, including t... Concept stable
biomass 7.1.3 total mass of test organisms or parts of them expressed as d... Concept stable
biosolid 7.1.4 organic product applied to soil including for example, sewage... Concept stable
effect concentration for x % effect 7.1.5 concentration (mass fraction) of a test substance that cause... Concept stable
inhibitory dose 7.1.6 amount of a test substance added to soil that effectively inh... Concept stable
lethal concentration x 7.1.7 concentration at a test substance or percent dilution of con... Concept stable
lowest observed effect concentration 7.1.8 lowest test substance concentration that has a statistically ... Concept stable
median lethal concentration 7.1.9 concentration of a test substance or percent dilution of con... Concept stable
Soil fauna 7.2 Concept stable
avoidance behaviour 7.2.1 tendency (of an organism) to avoid the test soil while prefer... Concept stable
diapause 7.2.2 interruption of metabolism during egg, larva, pupa, or imago ... Concept stable
growth 7.2.3 increase in biomass (i.e. the fresh mass of organisms). Note:... Concept stable
test substrate 7.2.4 manufactured soil or natural soil used as control and diluti... Concept stable
Soil flora 7.3 Concept stable
bound residues 7.3.1 chemical species in plants and soils, originating from, for e... Concept stable
control soil 7.3.2 uncontaminated substrate, used as a control and as medium for... Concept stable
germination 7.3.3 development of a seedling contained within a seed, ending the... Concept stable
hormesis 7.3.4 improvement of seedling emergence, growth, or survival (or ot... Concept stable
seedling emergence 7.3.5 appearance of the seedling (i.e. visible seedling) above the ... Concept stable
soil mixture ratio 7.3.6 ratio of the dry mass of test soil to the dry mass of referen... Concept stable
Soil microorganisms 7.4 Concept stable
ammonification 7.4.1 microbial degradation of organic nitrogen to ammonia Concept stable
mycelium 7.4.10 branched hyphae network Concept stable
mycorrhizal fungus 7.4.11 ubiquitous microorganism forming symbiotic association with t... Concept stable
nitrification 7.4.12 microbial oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and thereafter, to... Concept stable
nitrogen mineralization 7.4.13 microbial degradation of an organic substance containing nitr... Concept stable
rate of CO2 formation [O2 consumption] 7.4.14 amount of CO2 released [O2 consumed] per time unit from a mas... Concept stable
respiratory activation quotient 7.4.15 basal respiration rate divided by substrate-induced respirati... Concept stable
soil material 7.4.16 material composed of excavated soil, dredged materials, manuf... Concept stable
soil microbial biomass 7.4.17 mass of intact microbial cells in a given soil. Note: This is... Concept stable
soil respiration rate 7.4.18 volume of carbon dioxide released per unit mass of soil per u... Concept stable
specific growth rate 7.4.19 number of multiplication (by e) of respiration rate per unit ... Concept stable
basal respiration 7.4.2 microbial soil respiration without addition of substrate Concept stable
substrate-induced respiration 7.4.20 microbial soil respiration after addition of nutrients. Note:... Concept stable
time to the peak maximum 7.4.21 time from addition of growth substrate to the maximum respira... Concept stable
basal respiration rate 7.4.3 constant mass of CO2 released or mass of O2 consumed per unit... Concept stable
control substrate 7.4.4 inert substrate which does not affect spore germination, used... Concept stable
cumulative CO2 evolution or O2 consumption 7.4.5 total area bounded by the line of the soil respiration rate c... Concept stable
hyphae 7.4.6 filaments which compose fungus mycelium Concept stable
metabolic quotient 7.4.7 specific metabolic activity of soil microorganisms, which can... Concept stable
microbial activity 7.4.8 metabolic performance of microorganisms. Note: It can be meas... Concept stable
microorganisms 7.4.9 all organisms smaller than 50 µm that can occur as single cel... Concept stable