- https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl
- _FaultType
Register: Fault type
URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/FaultType
The fault type is defined exactly as proposed in the INSPIRE registry. Additional fault types that do not appear in the INSPIRE registry are defined in this Project Vocabulary
Core metadata
is a | concept scheme | Register | Container |
owned by | 1 |
submitted by | Sylvain GRELLET |
accepted on | 13 Sep 2021 14:15:30.838 |
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RDF ttl | plain | with metadata |
RDF/XML | plain | with metadata |
JSON-LD | plain | with metadata |
CSV | plain | with metadata |
ROR | plain | |
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created |
16 Feb 2021 07:24:00.919
description |
The fault type is defined exactly as proposed in the INSPIRE registry. Additional fault types that do not appear in the INSPIRE registry are defined in this Project Vocabulary
label |
Fault type
member |
| normal fault
| thrust fault
| pure extraction fault
| fault (INSPIRE)
| detachment fault
| wrench fault
| mixed extraction fault
| ring fault
| horizontal fault
modified |
30 Jul 2021 13:18:40.832
owner |
status |
type |
concept scheme
| Register
| Container
version info |
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Name | Notation | Description | Types | Status |
horizontal fault | 15d56c8c-66ba-4e75-a554-d2d480300eca | Fault that dips less than 10 degrees over more than half the ... | Concept | experimental |
mixed extraction fault | 22932a53-4319-4a7a-90ba-693db1a3e101 | An extraction fault with some displacement within the fault p... | Concept | experimental |
wrench fault | 358549e4-f0d9-4ec3-a9b7-643a8d4b43b4 | A strike slip fault in which the fault plane dips at least 45... | Concept | experimental |
pure extraction fault | 40477388-a844-45c7-b6a7-86cc94092616 | An extraction fault with no discernible displacement within t... | Concept | experimental |
normal fault | 4eda4674-8550-4eb7-9e9a-08d02c80f936 | Fault with dip-parallel displacement component of slip vector... | Concept | experimental |
fault (INSPIRE) | 71d30426-eced-4175-8695-2ad9c42e12d3 | A discrete surface, or zone of discrete surfaces, with some t... | Concept | experimental |
Fissure | 872 | Fissures are volcanic vents. They present as linear features ... | Concept | experimental |
ring fault | 7868 | A ring fault, also known as caldera fault, is a fault that oc... | Concept | experimental |
thrust fault | b35903c0-6b68-4260-b302-292ef73d673c | Fault that dips less than 45 degrees over more than half of t... | Concept | experimental |
detachment fault | b608d8e0-474e-438c-9073-8b7e70ab900e | A regional-scale, large displacement, low-angle normal fault. | Concept | experimental |