- https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl
- ProcessingActivityType
- _heapLeaching
Entry: heap leaching
URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/ProcessingActivityType/heapLeaching
A process used for the recovery of copper, uranium, and precious metals from weathered low-grade ore. The crushed material is laid on a slightly sloping, impervious pad and uniformly leached by the percolation of the leach liquor trickling through the beds by gravity to ponds. The metals are recovered by conventional methods from the solution.
Core metadata
is a | Concept |
submitted by | Abdel FELIACHI |
accepted on | 8 Jan 2019 15:58:49.722 |
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date accepted |
8 Jan 2019 15:58:49.722
date submitted |
8 Jan 2019 15:37:37.242
definition |
item class |
label |
heap leaching
notation |
register |
processing activity type
status |
status experimental
submitter |
type |
register item
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broader |
definition |
A process used for the recovery of copper, uranium, and precious metals from weathered low-grade ore. The crushed material is laid on a slightly sloping, impervious pad and uniformly leached by the percolation of the leach liquor trickling through the beds by gravity to ponds. The metals are recovered by conventional methods from the solution.
in concept scheme |
Processing Activity Type
label |
heap leaching
narrower |
bio-heap leaching
| sulfuric acid heap leaching
| cyanide heap leaching
notation |
pref label |
heap leaching
source |
heap leaching
type |