- https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl
- ProcessingActivityType
- _basemetalRefining
Entry: base metal refining
URI: https://data.geoscience.earth/ncl/ProcessingActivityType/basemetalRefining
There are several different methods that can be used for refining metals including distillation (e.g., mercury and zinc), liquation (e.g., lead and tin), poling (e.g., copper and tin), electrolysis (e.g., tin, zinc, aluminium...), zone refining (semiconductor metals such as silicon and germanium), vapor phase refining (e.g., zirconium).
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is a | Concept |
submitted by | Abdel FELIACHI |
accepted on | 8 Jan 2019 15:58:49.687 |
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date accepted |
8 Jan 2019 15:58:49.687
date submitted |
8 Jan 2019 15:37:37.199
definition |
item class |
label |
base metal refining
notation |
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processing activity type
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status experimental
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type |
register item
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metal refining
definition |
There are several different methods that can be used for refining metals including distillation (e.g., mercury and zinc), liquation (e.g., lead and tin), poling (e.g., copper and tin), electrolysis (e.g., tin, zinc, aluminium...), zone refining (semiconductor metals such as silicon and germanium), vapor phase refining (e.g., zirconium).
in concept scheme |
Processing Activity Type
label |
base metal refining
notation |
pref label |
base metal refining
source |
base metal refining
type |