
Entry: (bio) treatment bed


above-ground bed of soil designed to enhance biodegradation processes, usually incorporating means of collecting leachate and often means of maintaining oxygen (in aerobic processes) and nutrient levels. Note: It can also include means of capturing released volatiles, or means of maintaining anaerobic conditions.

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is a Concept
submitted byCorentin Follenfant
accepted on 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.884

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date accepted 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.884
date submitted 15 Aug 2024 18:59:36.507
entity (bio) treatment bed
source graph graph

item class Concept
en (bio) treatment bed
de Behandlungsbett
fr lit de traitement (biologique)
notation 6.4.7
register ISO11074
status status stable
account name
name Corentin Follenfant

type register item
version info 2
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broader Process-based treatment methods
en above-ground bed of soil designed to enhance biodegradation processes, usually incorporating means of collecting leachate and often means of maintaining oxygen (in aerobic processes) and nutrient levels. Note: It can also include means of capturing released volatiles, or means of maintaining anaerobic conditions.
de oberirdisch angelegtes Bett aus Boden zur Unterstützung von Bioabbauprozessen, üblicherweise Einrichtungen zur Sanierung von Sickerwässern und häufige Maßnahmen zum Erhalt von Sauerstoff (bei aeroben Prozessen) und Nährstoffversorgungsstufen. Note: Maßnahmen zum Rückhalten freigesetzter flüchtiger Verbindungen oder zum Erhalt von anaeroben Bedingungen können ebenfalls enthalten sein.
fr sous-couche de terre dont le but est d'améliorer les processus de biodégradation, renfermant en général un système permettant de recueillir les lixiviats et, souvent aussi, un système permettant de maintenir à un certain niveau la teneur en oxygène (pour les procédés aérobies) et en nutriments. Note: Il peut également inclure un système destiné à capter les dégagements de substances volatiles ou à maintenir les conditions anaérobies.
in scheme ISO 11074
notation 6.4.7
pref label
en (bio) treatment bed
de Behandlungsbett
fr lit de traitement (biologique)
same as iso:std:iso:11074:ed 2:v1:en:term:6.4.7
source ISO 11074:2015
type Concept


Has broader concept

In concept scheme