
Entry: spatial composite sample


composite sample formed from small incremental point samples taken over an area (such as a field). Note: The general premise is that the distribution of soil constituents is relatively homogeneous. The increments may be located according to a regular grid, random, or other pattern. In agricultural/horticultural land investigations “N”, “S”, “W” and “X” sampling patterns are commonly used. Along the outline of such a pattern, a number of samples or increments are taken which are bulked and mixed to provide one [composite] sample for analysis.

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is a Concept
submitted byCorentin Follenfant
accepted on 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.775

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date accepted 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.775
date submitted 15 Aug 2024 18:59:36.488
entity spatial composite sample
source graph graph

item class Concept
en spatial composite sample
fr échantillon composite spatial
notation 4.2.28
register ISO11074
status status stable
account name
name Corentin Follenfant

type register item
version info 2
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alt label
en spatial sample
fr échantillon spatial
broader Sample types/sampling type
en composite sample formed from small incremental point samples taken over an area (such as a field). Note: The general premise is that the distribution of soil constituents is relatively homogeneous. The increments may be located according to a regular grid, random, or other pattern. In agricultural/horticultural land investigations “N”, “S”, “W” and “X” sampling patterns are commonly used. Along the outline of such a pattern, a number of samples or increments are taken which are bulked and mixed to provide one [composite] sample for analysis.
de . Note:
fr échantillon composite constitué de petits prélèvements élémentaires effectués sur une zone (par exemple, un terrain). Note: Le postulat de base est que la répartition des constituants du sol est relativement homogène. La localisation des prélèvements élémentaires peut correspondre à une grille régulière, être aléatoire ou suivre un autre schéma. Dans les études de terrains agricoles/horticoles, des grilles d’échantillonnage en «N», «S», «W» et «X» sont couramment utilisées. Un certain nombre d’échantillons ou de prélèvements élémentaires sont collectés le long du tracé d’une grille de ce type et sont homogénéisés et mélangés pour obtenir un échantillon [composite] à des fins d’analyse.
in scheme ISO 11074
notation 4.2.28
pref label
en spatial composite sample
fr échantillon composite spatial
same as iso:std:iso:11074:ed 2:v1:amd:1:v1:en:term:4.2.28
source ISO 11074:2015/Amd 1:2020
type Concept


Has broader concept

In concept scheme