
Entry: soil functions


description of the significance of soils to man and the environment. Ex: Control of substance and energy cycles as compartment of ecosystems, basis for the life of plants, animals, and man, basis for the stability of buildings and roads, basis for the yield of agriculture, horticulture, and forestry, carrier of genetic reservoir, document of natural history, archaeological and paleoecological document.

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is a Concept
submitted byCorentin Follenfant
accepted on 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.713

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date accepted 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.713
date submitted 15 Aug 2024 18:59:36.491
entity soil functions
source graph graph

item class Concept
en soil functions
de Bodenfunktionen
fr fonctions du sol
notation 3.3.31
register ISO11074
status status stable
account name
name Corentin Follenfant

type register item
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broader Terms and definitions relating to processes in soils
en description of the significance of soils to man and the environment. Ex: Control of substance and energy cycles as compartment of ecosystems, basis for the life of plants, animals, and man, basis for the stability of buildings and roads, basis for the yield of agriculture, horticulture, and forestry, carrier of genetic reservoir, document of natural history, archaeological and paleoecological document.
de Beschreibung der Bedeutung von Böden für den Menschen und die Umwelt
fr description de l'importance des sols pour l'homme et l'environnement. Ex: Le contrôle des cycles des substances et de l'énergie en tant que compartiments des écosystèmes, le support vital pour les plantes, les animaux et l'homme, le support pour la stabilité des immeubles et des chaussées, la base des productions agricole, horticole et forestière, le réservoir de gènes, le témoin de l'histoire naturelle, le témoin des traces archéologiques et paléoécologiques.
in scheme ISO 11074
notation 3.3.31
pref label
en soil functions
de Bodenfunktionen
fr fonctions du sol
same as iso:std:iso:11074:ed 2:v1:en:term:3.3.31
source ISO 11074:2015
type Concept


Has broader concept

In concept scheme