
Entry: groundwater


water which is being held in and can be recovered from an underground formation, except capillary water. Note: Groundwater is usually taken to include any water, beneath the surface of the land or beneath the bed of any stream, lake, reservoir, or other body of surface water, whatever the geological formation or structure in which such water occurs; but water within the beds of streams, etc. is often excluded.

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is a Concept
submitted byCorentin Follenfant
accepted on 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.698

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date accepted 15 Aug 2024 19:00:58.698
date submitted 15 Aug 2024 18:59:36.492
entity groundwater
source graph graph

item class Concept
en groundwater
de Grundwasser
fr eaux souterraines
notation 3.2.3
register ISO11074
status status stable
account name
name Corentin Follenfant

type register item
version info 2
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broader Terms and definitions relating to soil water
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en water which is being held in and can be recovered from an underground formation, except capillary water. Note: Groundwater is usually taken to include any water, beneath the surface of the land or beneath the bed of any stream, lake, reservoir, or other body of surface water, whatever the geological formation or structure in which such water occurs; but water within the beds of streams, etc. is often excluded.
de Wasser, das in einer unterirdischen Formation zurückgehalten und üblicherweise daraus zurückgewonnen werden kann, mit Ausnahme des Kapillarwassers. Note: Grundwasser enthält üblicherweise alle unterhalb der Erdoberfläche oder unter dem Bett eines Flusses, Sees, Staubeckens, oder einem anderem Oberflächengewässer befindlichen Wasserarten, unabhängig von der möglichen geologischen Formation oder Struktur, in der solches Wasser vorkommt; Wasser im Bereich von Flussbetten usw. ist jedoch oft ausgenommen.
fr eau qui est contenue et qui peut provenir d'une formation souterraine, à l'exception de l'eau capillaire. Note: Les eaux souterraines englobent généralement toute eau sous la surface du sol ou sous le lit de tout cours d'eau, lac, réservoir ou autre masse d'eau de surface, quelle que soit la formation ou la structure géologique comportant ladite eau; l'eau constituant les lits des cours d'eau, etc., étant souvent exclue.
in scheme ISO 11074
notation 3.2.3
pref label
en groundwater
de Grundwasser
fr eaux souterraines
same as iso:std:iso:11074:ed 2:v1:en:term:3.2.3
source ISO 11074:2015
type Concept


Has broader concept

In concept scheme