
Entry: Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)

URI: http://www.opengis.net/def/serviceType/ogc/wps

The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or they can be available at the server.

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is a resource | Concept
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 4 Jul 2024 08:26:14.049

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date accepted 4 Jul 2024 08:26:14.049
date submitted 4 Jul 2024 08:25:45.466
entity Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
source graph graph

description The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or they can be available at the server.
item class resource | Concept
en Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
fr Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
notation 21cae2a9-6980-4780-89fb-62df46885336
register dat ac se ty
status status experimental
account name h.bressan@brgm.fr
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2
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alt label
en WPS
fr WPS
definition The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or they can be available at the server.
description The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or they can be available at the server.
en Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
fr Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
pref label
en Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
fr Web Processing Service Interface Standard (WPS)
see also wps? profile=alt | wps
status submitted
top concept of type of data access service
type resource | Concept


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